Tuesday, February 28, 2006

It's laundry time at the Fyfe's and Haylie loves to help. She can empty a laundry basket faster than the Irish Washerwoman Posted by Picasa
Grandpa, let's go bye-bye Posted by Picasa
I'll have a chicken and rice entree with Enfamil on the side, please Posted by Picasa
Do they serve babies at Don Pablo? Posted by Picasa
Haylie and Grandma enjoying a bood book! Posted by Picasa

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Saturday, February 25, 2006

You've heard of "Harold and the Purple Crayon"? Well, this is Josh and the Green Crayon". Posted by Picasa
Jo enjoys Joshie's antics Posted by Picasa
I'm a big kid, now. (1 year + 1 month) Posted by Picasa
Daddy and Joshua after Sunday lunch at Olive Garden Posted by Picasa