Thursday, July 31, 2008

"I made it!" (grandma)

It was a hot and muggy morning but with two happy, curious kids (wild mushrooms and strange caterpillers found), it proved most enjoyable. Once we got into the shade near the water, it was quite pleasant. There were so many good-sized fish that it looks like a fishing expedition will be next on the agenda! Don't know if grandma will be available for that ...
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The Patey North Kidz pause for a photo

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Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Come on, Mom, a little push, please?

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Ian and ???

Baby Ian forgets that he IS a baby. He loves standing and will do it at every opportunity - even on recently-rained-upon grass!
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Getting the lay of the land

Haylie was thrilled when "Mr. Uncle" placed her on top of a cut down tree. She enjoyed free picking of the grapes and berries (seen in the background).
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Push, girls, push!

Haylie and Jenny successfully roll two cousins down the hill in the big yellow ball. Haylie could hardly wait for her turn inside but when it came, she was a bit "sceered" by the experience.
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A lapful - Ian and Connor

These two boys are the youngest of the great-grandkids - Ian at 6 months and one week, and Connor at 10 months. Watch out, guys, Aunt Christie is rumored to be adding to the family tree in January!
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Great-grandpa poses with the Fyfe great-grandchildren

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Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Hannah and Haylie on the carousel at Dutch Wonderland

The girl cousins share a special ride - don't worry, David, she is holding her tightly!
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July 4th, 2008 BSO Concert

Joshua registers absolute delight at the loud, red fireworks which were his favorite. This year we had no tears from anyone. That includes the two three-year olds AND Ian (5.5 months). Of course, Hannah is well beyond such stuff.
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Batten down the hatches, Ian is loose!

Yes, the boy wonder started perfecting his crawling skills at a little over 5 months. Well before his 6 month birthday, he was zipping across the family room floor, snatching a lolipop from his unsuspecting big sister. (Haylie was concentrating on a TV cartoon at the time - you snooze, you loose was the lesson learned!)
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