Tuesday, June 30, 2009

USMA Band Reunion at West Point

For the first itme in 42 years, Ed returned to West Point to catch up with old friends. The Concert Band and the Rock and Roll Bands gathered and had a festive and fun weekend. Here, Ed is posing with (l to r) Bill, Jim, Tom, Jack and Carolyn. All but Jack formed the original "Nite Riders" formed by Tom at the request of the Superintendent. Bill, Jim and Carolyn have been involved in non-music careers since 1968 when they left WP, and hadn't touched guitars, keyboards, etc. since then. Tom has carved a career in the Rock and Roll industry and enjoys the respect of many. He and Carolyn were married while in WP and continued performing together for awhile. They appeared on the Ed Sullivan Show in 1969. Shortly thereafter, Tom joined the Brooklyn Bridge. He loves performing and writing arrangements. The Nite Riders' Alumni Concert was a trip down memory lane and was enjoyed by all. We both loved re-connecting and vowed to keep in touch with many of our old friends.
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Carolyn, Tommy and Cathy

Tom and Ed were best buddies during their three years at West Point. Can you imagine a concert violinist and a rock and roll musician who shared so many similar qualities? Well these two did!
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Concert Band Concert

We also enjoyed music by the current concert band right after the Nite Riders Concert.
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Dress rehearsal for THE CONCERT

So much has changed from our years at West Point. The band shell at Trophy Point is now constructed of plexiglass to allow for full view of the mountains' majesty.
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Post-concert granduer

Trophy Point is perfectly situated to afford a magnificent view of the Hudson River cutting through the mountains. It was at this precise point that our army stretched an iron link chain across the river to precent enemy ships from entering. Portions of the chain have been preserved, and portions remain sunken in the river.
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A photo op at the "picnic"

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Ed and buddies reminesce

There were scrap books and albums spanning the entire existence of the USMA Band, and the guys enjoyed swapping stories and experiences.
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Sunday, June 07, 2009

Following are pictures and comments from graduations and closing excercises of three grandkids. Have to wait a year or two for Ian!

Hannah and family at graduation

Dad was the photographer, of course. The grandma's split the festivities due to limitations on the number of guests. - Grammy going to the graduation and Grandma going to the awards ceremony. Our graduate was recognized for Chorus, Violin and service to the school through the Safety Patrol Program. She was chosen by her teachers to receive the one "Diligent Worker Award" in sixth grade, and earned a Magna Cum Laude in Latin! Our buttons were popping!

Delivering THE SPEECH . . . what a wonderful tradition!

Each graduate speaks for two minutes, incorporating a bible verse that has been meaningful to them during their sixth grade experience. Hannah wrote and delivered a beautiful speech. Here she shares a humorous moment at the beginning of 6th grade. Doesn't look a bit nervous, does she?

The headmaster of NCCS presents the diploma to Hannah

Hannah receives congratulations from a much loved teacher

Thursday, June 04, 2009