Monday, October 26, 2009

David and Ian waiting for Haylie and Jacob to emerge from the maze

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Haylie is on her way into the Hay Maze . . .

. . . and grandma was a bit nervous about this one. The maze was about two feet taller than the kids and was enormous in size. A high wooden bridge spanned the center of the maze and we could stand on it and watch the action. I would have died in there! Haylie and Jacob were quite comfortable, however, and navigated the maze very well.
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Haylie and Jacob visit with Mr. Gobble

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The "Cheese Smile" while he waits for ouer turn on the hay wagon

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Not exactly sure . . .

what the kids were focused on at this point but from the looks on their faces, I would bet it was something a little spooky!
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A "Hay Horsie" as Haylie called it.

This was part of one of several seasonal displays along the hay ride we all took. Weber's Farm has continued to update its activities each year and the kiddies really love it. Not just a punkin patch!
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Looks like he knows what he's doing? - NOT! But he had a great time riding on all the different tractors.

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Ian pauses with a pretzel before the trip home.

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Ahh, Sleeeeeeeeppppp!

Two tired tykes. Notice the different approaches - Ian prefers the sprawl, having released his "binkie", thrown away the pillow and abandoned little black bear. Haylie, on the other hand, prefers to be wrapped in a soft blanket, and holds her two colorful bears and juice cup close. Don't miss the assortment of balls in the background. Mr. Ian methodically tossed 5 beach balls and six other balls of varying sizes down the stairs for his "catch" games.
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Sunday, October 04, 2009

FUN . . . FUN . . . FUN

Haylie had custody of Kipper, the class mascot, this weekend. She has to report on all their doings. Here they share a happy time in the branches of a kid-friendly tree.
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Ian and Haylie give Kipper a ride

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